Search Results
25 results 1-15  16-25 
1 350th anniversary of the foundation of Pubnico
350th anniversary of the foundation of Pubnico

Decorated house for the 350th anniversary of the foundation of Pubnico

2 A tribute to French pioneers
A tribute to French pioneers
in French

Image taken from a newspaper concerning the 350th anniversary of the discovery of Saint John harbour, N.B., by Europeans, June 26, 1954

3 Acadian itinerary, Poitou-Charentes
Acadian itinerary, Poitou-Charentes
in French

Tourist booklet of the French region of Poitou-Charentes with an Acadian theme

4 Acadie census, 1671
Acadie census, 1671
in French

Acadie census of 1671 by Laurent Molins, Franciscan priest, and summarized by Hugues Randin, French engineer

5 An unpublished letter from an Acadian to Richelieu in 1627
An unpublished letter from an Acadian to Richelieu in 1627
in French

Periodical article concerning a letter sent to Cardinal Richelieu from a de La Tour (Charles de Saint-Étienne?), July 25, 1627

6 Archaeological dig, Melanson Settlement National Historic Site of Canada, 1984
Archaeological dig, Melanson Settlement National Historic Site of Canada, 1984

General view (south orientation) of the archaeological dig at Melanson Settlement National Historic Site of Canada during the 1984 season with the Annapolis River in the background

7 Canada's little story :   Aulnay and Latour
Canada's little story : Aulnay and Latour
in French

Newspaper article concerning conflict between Charles de Saint-Étienne de La Tour and Charles de Menou d'Aulnay de Charnizay, August 2, 1934

8 Cooking pot, Melanson Settlement National Historic Site of Canada
Cooking pot, Melanson Settlement National Historic Site of Canada

This coarse earthenware two-handled cooking pot was made in France and discovered during the archaeological digs of 1984-1986 at the Melanson Settlement National Historic Site of Canada

9 Cornerstone, Beaubassin church, 1723
Cornerstone, Beaubassin church, 1723

Cornerstone of Sainte-Anne's Church in Beaubassin blessed by missionary priest René-Charles de Breslay, June 5, 1723

10 Cyr House, Saint-Basile (Edmundston), N.B.
Cyr House, Saint-Basile (Edmundston), N.B.

House built in the beginning of the 19th century by Alexis Cyr, one of the pioneers of the Saint-Basile region, N.B.

11 Earthenware jar, Félicité Cyr
Earthenware jar, Félicité Cyr

Earthenware jar presumably fabricated by the British in the middle of the 18th century and brought from France by Félicité Cyr, wife of Jean-Baptiste Robichaud, a pioneer of Shippagan.

12 Fort Anne, Annapolis Royal, N.S.
Fort Anne, Annapolis Royal, N.S.

Entrance to the Fort Anne National Historic Site of Canada, Annapolis Royal, N.S.

13 Interpretive Centre, Grand-Pré National Historic Site of Canada, N.S.
Interpretive Centre, Grand-Pré National Historic Site of Canada, N.S.

Interpretive centre at the Grand-Pré National Historic Site of Canada, N.S., inaugurated in 2003

14 List of passengers of the "Saint-Jehan", 1636
List of passengers of the "Saint-Jehan", 1636
in French

List of passengers of the "Saint-Jehan", which left La Rochelle, France, April 1, 1636, with some Acadian pionneer families aboard

15 Marsh, Melanson Settlement National Historic Site of Canada, 2001
Marsh, Melanson Settlement National Historic Site of Canada, 2001

View of Queen Anne's marsh, formerly known as Saint-Charles' marsh, from the Melanson Settlement National Historic Site of Canada, 2001

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