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The Comeau family
My name is Félix Comeau, I'm Félix à Médée à Moïse à Jos à Rosalie à Charles and I would like to tell you the story about a little village called Bangor. Bangor originated the way that I heard about it, it was the, Alphonse à Jos à Roselie, which are a part of my ancestors who built a mill about a kilometre down where my ancestor built their own mill and at that time the mill they had a saw blade that would go up and down and that's the way most of the mills were running and but my uncle's, anyway my ancestor he, he, he wanted to modernize the mill so he went to Bangor, Maine, U.S.A. and he went over there and he found a rotary saw and he bought this saw and of course the people in the village were intrigued or fascinated by this saw which they hadn't seen so they went to visit the saw and they would say we're going to see the saw from Bangor and of course after a while the saw from Bangor came to we're going to Bangor to see the saw and after a while the story came to we're going to Bangor and of course this is, the village is still today called Bangor. My ancestors they were the founders of Comeauville and my great-great-grandfather one day he was out with his friend out on the Meteghan River and they were going down the river and they came to this site and his friend said you know this is, what a beautiful place this is and you know you should think about it and maybe buy the place or buy the land and there's a possibility of developing this area and, you know, you could do something with it. And it stuck in the back of his head and he decided to buy the place and of course at that time this was about, it was less than a hundred years after the Deportation and that was quite a while back. Anyway the money, the money that he used was English monetary system which was in pounds and of course he bought the land and then decided to do something with it and he built a mill, a sawmill and he needed some power so he built a dam and he, they, and he had a lot of will of course to use the energy to power the sawmill and, and of course that dam made a reservoir for the mill up the river, down the river because at that time there was a lot of sawmills so and of course the Bangor mill of course too was a part of that reservoir and, and up the, and it made a reservoir and it formed five lakes and of course they're quite big lakes and it's still used today because they built camps, they built houses, there's some houses that are built and people are living there year-round on that lake and of course the recreational aspect too like boating and all kinds of canoeing and skiing and whatever you can imagine that you can do on those lakes, fishing and etc. and, and for me in my younger days we, we, the house that we lived in it was built by my grandfather and my father and there was this, there was his house and next door it was my uncle's house. We always gathered at the house natale and it's always a lot of fun and we talk about good memories about, you know, good old days and it's still, it gives me a warm heart to, to go there and see that it's still utilized you know and the river is right in front of the house so it's still a beautiful place to, to just relax and probably this is the end of my story of Moïse à Jos.
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Title: The Comeau family
Description: Félix Comeau tells the story of his family who settled in Comeauville, N.S. He also tells the story of the origin of the village of Bangor, N.S., and it's sawmill.
Subjects: families; villages
Source: Connections Productions
Language: English
Date: 2007-02-19
Creator: Connections Productions
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