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30 results 1-15  16-30 
1 Acadians exiled to France that later returned the the baie des Chaleurs, 1774
Acadians exiled to France that later returned the the baie des Chaleurs, 1774
in French

Decree by the Council of Québec concerning the Acadians exiled to France, but who later returned to the baie des Chaleurs, May 30, 1774

2 Belcher's opinion, 1755
Belcher's opinion, 1755
in English

Original version of Nova Scotia's chief justice, Jonathan Belcher's opinion concerning the Acadians and the oath of allegiance, July 28, 1755

3 Belcher's opinion, 1755
Belcher's opinion, 1755
in French

French translation of Nova Scotia's chief justice, Jonathan Belcher's opinion concerning the Acadians and the oath of allegiance, July 28, 1755

4 Gauthier family
Gauthier family
in French

Excerpts of the minutes of the British council in Annapolis-Royal in which there is a mention of the role of Joseph Gauthier Jr. in the French attacks in the Minas region, 1745

5 Gouzille family
Gouzille family
in English

Excerpts of the minutes of the Annapolis-Royal British council in which we find a Jacques Gouzille involved in a court case regarding the custody of his daughter's illegitimate child, 1726

6 Jonathan Belcher, 1756
Jonathan Belcher, 1756

Painting of Jonathan Belcher, Nova Scotia's chief justice, by John Singleton Copley in 1756

7 July 28, 1755, decision
July 28, 1755, decision
in French

Study by Placide Gaudet, produced from minutes of the Nova Scotia Council, concerning the July 28, 1755, decision to deport the Acadians

8 Letter from Belcher to Amherst, 1761
Letter from Belcher to Amherst, 1761
in French

Letter from Jonathan Belcher, Nova Scotia's chief justice, to Jeffery Amherst, commander-in-chief of the British army in America, concerning the death of Nova Scotia's Governor, Charles Lawrence, Octo…

9 Letter from Defrancy to Accaron, 1763
Letter from Defrancy to Accaron, 1763
in French

Letter from Mr. de la Rue Defrancy, government official in Cherbourg, to Mr. Accaron, government official for the Navy, in Versailles, concerning the Acadians in Cherbourg, April 18, 1763

10 Letter from Defrancy to Accaron, 1763
Letter from Defrancy to Accaron, 1763
in French

Letter from Mr. Defrancy, government official in Cherbourg, to Mr. Accaron, government official for the Navy in Versailles, concerning the Acadian refugees in Cherbourg, France, April 18, 1763

11 Letter from Lawrence to Robinson, 1755
Letter from Lawrence to Robinson, 1755
in French

Letter from Charles Lawrence, Nova Scotia's Lieutenant-Governor, to Thomas Robinson, Lord of Trade, concerning the neutrality of the Acadians, October 18, 1755

12 Letter from Lawrence to the Governors of the British colonies of America, 1755
Letter from Lawrence to the Governors of the British colonies of America, 1755
in French

Letter from Charles Lawrence, Nova Scotia's Lieutenant-Governor, to the Governors of the British colonies of America, concerning the Deportation of the Acadians, August 11, 1755

13 Letter from Lawrence to the Lords of Trade, 1755
Letter from Lawrence to the Lords of Trade, 1755
in French

Letter from Charles Lawrence, Nova Scotia's Lieutenant-Governor, to Great Britain's Lords of Trade, concerning the Acadians, October 18, 1755

14 Letter from Lawrence to the Lords of Trade, 1755
Letter from Lawrence to the Lords of Trade, 1755
in French

Letter from Charles Lawrence, Lieutenant-Governor of Nova Scotia, to Great Britain's Lords of Trade concerning the Acadians, July 18, 1755

15 Letter from Pensens to the Naval Minister, 1730
Letter from Pensens to the Naval Minister, 1730
in French

Letter from Jacques d'Espiet de Pensens, French civil servant in Louisbourg, to France's Naval Minister, in Paris, September 30, 1730

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