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Louis Robichaud (1704-1780)

Born in Port-Royal, Louis Robichaud quickly adapted to the British authorities' requirements by supplying provisions, wood and labour to the troops stationed in Annapolis Royal. During the winter of 1729, he even took a conditional oath of allegiance to King George II of England. Despite these good realations, his family still did not avoid the Deportation, although the authorities did allow him to choose his place of exile. He chose New England. A few months after he arrived with his family in Boston, they moved to Cambridge. Educated, on good terms with Boston society as well as with his Acadian companions (he became their spokesperson with the civil and religious authorities), Robichaud's eleven years in exile were less difficult than those of the majority of other deportees in these colonies. In 1775, Robichaud and his family left Massachusetts for Québec, where he died of smallpox in 1780.
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