
Letter from Bourdon to the inhabitants of baie des Ouines and Richibouctou, 1760
Letter from Bourdon to the inhabitants of baie des Ouines and Richibouctou, 1760
Call Number(s): 1.16-23
Title: Letter from Bourdon to the inhabitants of baie des Ouines and Richibouctou, 1760
Description: Letter from Jean-François Bourdon de Dombourg, troop commander at the Restigouche post, to the inhabitants of baie des Ouines and Richibouctou, February 14, 1760
Subjects: escapees; resistance; surrender
Source: CEA, Fonds Placide-Gaudet
Language: French
Date: 1760-02-14
Creator: Jean-François Bourdon de Dombourg
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