Search Results
6 results 1-6 
1 Mont-Carmel, P.E.I.
Mont-Carmel, P.E.I.
in French

Maria Bernard talks about family life in the middle of the 20th century in Mont-Carmel, P.E.I., and how the Acadians of that region fought to establish access to education in French.

2 Mont-Carmel, P.E.I.
Mont-Carmel, P.E.I.
in French

Joseph Gallant speaks of daily life in Mont-Carmel, P.E.I.

3 Mont-Carmel, P.E.I.
Mont-Carmel, P.E.I.
in English

Roger Arsenault speaks of the daily life on a farm in the middle of the 20th century in Mont-Carmel, P.E.I.

4 Mont-Carmel, P.E.I.
Mont-Carmel, P.E.I.
in English

Antoine Richard speaks of his father, Jacques Richard, who owned a store in Mont-Carmel, P.E.I.

5 Mont-Carmel, P.E.I.
Mont-Carmel, P.E.I.
in French

Antoine Richard speaks of his father, Jacques Richard, who owned a store in Mont-Carmel, P.E.I.

6 Mont-Carmel, P.E.I.
Mont-Carmel, P.E.I.
in French

Roger Arsenault speaks of the daily life on a farm in the middle of the 20th century in Mont-Carmel, P.E.I.

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