Search Results

13 results 1-13 
1 A special invitation to all of the parishioners of the diocese of Bathurst
A special invitation to all of the parishioners of the diocese of Bathurst
in French

Newspaper article concerning the bicentennial festivities of the Deportation of the Acadians, March 25, 1955

2 Arsenault family
Arsenault family
in French

Maternal family tree of father J.-Auguste Allard, parish priest of East Bathurst, N.B., from 1922 to 1947

3 Bathurst's choir visits Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's tomb
Bathurst's choir visits Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's tomb
in French

Image taken from a newspaper concerning the bicentennial festivities of the Deportation of the Acadians, June 16, 1955

4 Bicentennial demonstration in Bathurst, N.B.
Bicentennial demonstration in Bathurst, N.B.
in French

Image taken from a newspaper article during the bicentennial festivities of the Deportation of the Acadians, March 11, 1955

5 Commemorative pageant highlighting the bicentennial in the Bathurst region...
Commemorative pageant highlighting the bicentennial in the Bathurst region...
in French

Newspaper article concerning the bicentennial festivities of the Deportation of the Acadians, February 18, 1955

6 In Bathurst - Great historical pageant at the Université du Sacré-Coeur - A success
In Bathurst - Great historical pageant at the Université du Sacré-Coeur - A success
in French

Newspaper article concerning the bicentennial festivities of the Deportation of the Acadians, March 7, 1955

7 Large historical pageant in Bathurst
Large historical pageant in Bathurst
in French

Advertisement taken from a newspaper concerning the bicentennial festivities of the Deportation of the Acadians, March 24, 1955

8 Sacred Heart Cathedral in Bathurst, N.B.
9 The Sacré-Coeur parish was founded in 1881
The Sacré-Coeur parish was founded in 1881
in French

Newspaper article concerning the history of the the Sacré-Coeur parish in Bathurst, N.B., 1950

10 The bicentennial festivities in the Bathurst diocese
The bicentennial festivities in the Bathurst diocese
in French

Newspaper article concerning the bicentennial festivities of the Deportation of the Acadians, February 23, 1955

11 The the town of Bathurst's first years
The the town of Bathurst's first years
in French

Newspaper article concerning the history of the town of Bathurst, N.B.

12 View of a street near downtown Bathurst, N.B., circa 1900
13 Visit of Mgr Édouard-Alfred LeBlanc at the Collège du Sacré-Coeur, Bathurst, N.B.
Visit of Mgr Édouard-Alfred LeBlanc at the Collège du Sacré-Coeur, Bathurst, N.B.

Visit of Mgr Édouard-Alfred LeBlanc, the first acadian Bishop, at the Collège du Sacré-Coeur, Bathurst, N.B., in 1918. Mgr LeBlanc is in the middle of the first row.

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