Search Results

5 results 1-5 
1 Mius d'Entremont et des Saint-Étienne de La Tour families
Mius d'Entremont et des Saint-Étienne de La Tour families
in French

Genealogy notes concerning Anne d'Entremont, daughter of Jacques Mius d'Entremont and Anne de Saint-Étienne de La Tour

2 The Mius (d'Entremont) family
The Mius (d'Entremont) family
in French

Interview concerning the Mius (d'Entremont) family

3 The Mius d'Entremont family
The Mius d'Entremont family
in French

Chester Muise from Surette's Island, N.S., tells the story his grandfather's encounter with a German U-boat during World War II.

4 The Mius d'Entremont family
The Mius d'Entremont family
in English

Chester Muise from Surette's Island, N.S., tells the story his grandfather's encounter with a German U-boat during World War II.

5 d'Entremont (Mius) family
d'Entremont (Mius) family
in French

Article to be published in Le Moniteur Acadien in which the Mius family is mentionned